
Day 13 – “My Husband’s Prayer Life”

More than a few wives have expressed to me their confusion and disappointment over the fact that they almost “never” see their Christian husband pick up a bible or spend even a minute in prayer! The longer they watch them, the more exasperated they become!images

What they don’t realize is that they have played themselves perfectly into the hand of their enemy. Satan has now taken their entire focus off what God is doing in them and planting seeds for a judgmental, critical, fault-finding, arrogant spirit in them that will reap a bad harvest in every other area of their marriage. Oops!! – harsh I know, but never-the-less the intended goal of the enemy of your marriage.
Here’s the truth Image-1 2… It’s none of your business, (apart from praying for him), and there’s nothing you can do about it except pray!

Seriously! Pray every prayer in Chapter 13, leave his prayer life with God, and continue to pursue developing your own prayer life. Watch the amazing things God will do in you both. The Holy Spirit is about to surprise you because yoUnknown-4u resisted the temptation of the enemy to judge, and chose to love deeply despite your visual (not to be relied on) observations. Remember, we are choosing to see, love, and pray through eyes of the Spirit, not our natural eyes.

Talk to you tomorrow!